Version Release Notes

Release Date: 3/28/2013

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software release on 3/28/2013.

Applicant List Release Notes

Calendar Release Notes

Check Reconciliation Release Notes

Fixed Assets Release Notes

Framework Release Notes

FSS Release Notes

Occupancy and Rent Calculation Release Notes

Payroll Release Notes

Property Security Release Notes

Purchase Orders Release Notes

Scribe Release Notes

Section 8 Tenant and Landlord Release Notes

Tenant Accounts Receivable Release Notes

Work Orders Release Notes

Applicant List

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have added the Status column to the Applicant Ranking Report, along with a checkbox option to include or exclude this column from the report. (Case 7732)


WinTen²⁺ Program Version:

Bug Report

1. If you printed from the Calendar screen when viewing calendars for multiple users at once, the default print options created a printout that was not usable. To correct this, we have changed the default values for various print settings on the Calendar, to generate a more usable printout. (Case 7344)

Check Reconciliation

WinTen² Program Version:

Bug Report

1. If you entered a manual transaction in Check Reconciliation and later voided it, the void would post to General Ledger using the date when you processed the void, instead of using the Void Date. This has been corrected. (Case 7378)

Fixed Assets

WinTen² Program Version:

Bug Report

1. The Posted Depreciation Report was ignoring the Status filter option. This has been corrected. (Case 7683)


WinTen²⁺ Program Version:


1. We have added the Group Setup screen (Setup > Group Setup), which allows your agency to define user groups among your staff and to assign WinTen²⁺ user privileges by group. (Case 7568)

Bug Reports

1. On the Authorization Setup screen (Setup > Authorization Setup), users were sometimes missing from the Calendar Users list. This has been corrected. (Case 7591)
2. On the User screen (Setup > User Maintenance), the following error would sometimes occur when selecting a Parent User: "... too many recursive iterations..." This has been corrected. (Case 7210)
3. In the WinTen² framework, multiple Notes entered on the Maintain Notes screen on the same day were not sorting correctly in the order in which they were entered. This has been corrected. (Case 7773)


WinTen²⁺ Program Version:


1. We have enhanced FSS to allow you to reprint previous FSS Credit Worksheets.

To enable this, we have added a checkbox option to the bottom of the FSS Case List screen: "Only show current certification." If you uncheck this box, the grid will show both previous and current versions of FSS cases, and it will show the FSS Case # column, which provides a unique identifier for case versions. You can then click either a Participant # or FSS Case # link in the grid to view and/or print any worksheet. (Case 7070)

As part of the enhancement, we have also added the Certification Date to this worksheet, which corresponds to the FSS Escrow Credit Worksheet report and data source in Scribe. (Case 6975)

Bug Reports

1. FSS escrow transactions sometimes failed to post to the tenant's account in Tenant Accounts Receivable. This has been corrected. (Cases 7047 and 7184)
2. When processing FSS for Section 8 participants, the FSS Escrow Wizard would sometimes return an incorrect validation error: "This person no longer has an active lease." This has been corrected. (Case 7599)

Occupancy and Rent Calculation

WinTen² Program Version:


1. For Tax Credit properties, we have moved the set-aside percentage from the buildings to the units. This allows for different set-aside percentages for each unit. We have added the Set Aside field to the Main tab of the Maintain Unit Information screen. (Case 7181)
2. On the Main tab of the Tenant Detail screen, you can now change the Management Code without having to click the Edit icon. You now only need to right-click on the Management Code drop-down and select the Management Code. This enhancement lets you avoid the risk of re-calculating the Tenant record unintentionally by using the Edit icon. (Case 7762)

Bug Reports

1. For MTW (Moving to Work) tenants with income-tiered flat rents, a negative HAP Amount would sometimes display on the Main tab of the Tenant Detail screen, and incorrect validation errors would be returned on creating eTrans records. These issues have been corrected. (Case 7026)
2. Two errors were occurring related to the Move to Another Area ("truck") wizard, from the Main tab of the Tenant Detail screen. The following issues have been corrected:

After a change to the wizard that correctly updates voucher statuses, Public Housing tenant transfers were receiving an incorrect validation error, "could not locate voucher number," even though Public Housing does not use vouchers. (Case 7364)

Using the wizard to "truck" a New Admission to Section 8 Tenant & Landlord would return an incorrect error message that the voucher is already in use. (Case 7479)

3. On the Maintain Notes screen (available from the Main tab of the Tenant Detail screen), multiple tenant Notes entered on the same day were not sorting correctly in the order in which they were entered. This has been corrected. (Case 7773)

Note: This case is a framework change that corrects this bug on the Notes feature everywhere in WinTen².


WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have updated Form 941, Employer’s QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return, for 2013. (Case 7643)

Note: This release does not include withholding for the Additional Medicare Tax, which applies to employees with YTD wages of $200,000 or more. We will implement this in the second calendar quarter of 2013. Please contact Tenmast support if your agency has any employee who will have YTD wages of $200,000 prior to 6/30/2013.

2. We have added support for filing state W-2s electronically (state EFW2) in the state of Maryland. (Case 7492)

Bug Reports

1. For agencies with multiple Employee records with the same Social Security Number, box 14 was incorrect on Form W-2 for those employees. This has been corrected. (Case 7052)
2. For agencies having employees with multiple job and company records, the program sometimes failed to generate W-2s for those employees. This has been corrected. (Case 7067)
3. Pay Rate values were incorrectly rounding to two decimal places. This has been corrected, so that they now round to four decimal places. (Case 7160)

Property Security

WinTen²⁺ Program Version:


1. We have implemented Scribe for Property Security. This enhancement includes a new Property Security data source, along with a new example report for Property Security in Scribe Designer. We have also added a "Reports (Scribe)" menu item under Property Security in the Home menu, and we have added the Scribe icon to the Security Incident screen and the Lease Compliance Incident screen. (Case 4902)

Bug Report

1. The Incident History report was showing the creation date of the incident record. This has been corrected to show the incident date. (Case 7112)

Purchase Orders

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have added the Vendor Name to the Outstanding Purchase Order Listing report and the Received Purchase Order Listing report. (Cases 6890 and 7355)
2. We have added the PO Number column to the Request Listing report. (Case 7193)

Bug Reports

1. Categories failed to show on the Request Listing report. This has been corrected. (Case 7185)
2. Certain quote descriptions failed to display correctly on the Quote Listing report. This has been corrected. (Case 7200)
3. The Requisition Listing report was not filtering correctly. This has been corrected. (Case 7207)
4. The Maintain Open Requisition screen would not refresh correctly after you approved a requisition. This has been corrected. (Case 4748)
5. If you created a requisition from a quote, and if you changed the Description field in the Create New Requisition wizard, your edit to the description would not be saved to the new requisition. This has been corrected. (Case 7345)


WinTen²⁺ Program Version:


1. We have added the S8 Check Detail data source in Scribe. (Case 7148)
2. Certain reports, especially those with Parameter options, can take some time to process and display the data. We have added a spinning "wait cursor" that appears while this is happening, to let the user know Scribe is processing the report. (Case 7347)
3. We have added the Voucher Original Expiration Date field to the Applicants Searching with a Voucher data source. (Case 6117)

Bug Report

1. For clients using Scribe, the Voucher Original Expiration Date enhancement (Case 6117, above) also corrects in error where the expiration date was incorrect on Form HUD-52646, Voucher. (Case 6312)

Section 8 Tenant and Landlord

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have added an enhancement that allows you to flag an unapproved ACH Pre-Note file for regeneration. This allows you to make corrections, if needed, and then regenerate the Pre-Note. On the Browse Unapproved ACH Pre-Note screen, double-click a Pre-Note record that has had a file generated, and then select Yes in the confirmation dialog. That Pre-Note will then become available to include in the Generate ACH Pre-Note wizard. (Case 1011)

Bug Reports

1. If you edited a landlord's Direct Deposit information, the change failed to update the ACH Pre-Note. This has been corrected. (Case 7121)
2. On the Monthly Payment tab of the Maintain Landlords screen, payments were not sorting correctly until the user clicked a column header. This has been corrected, so that payments sort in month order by default. (Case 7486)
3. From the Portable tab of the Maintain Tenants screen, the Bedroom Size on Form HUD-52665 was sometimes incorrect. This has been corrected, so that it always matches the Voucher Size shown for the tenant on the Tenant Data tab. (Case 7105)

Tenant Accounts Receivable

WinTen² Program Version:


1. For clients using Scribe, we have added the fields for Unit Activity Log information to the "Receivable Tenants (No Charge Data)" data source. (Case 4374)

Work Orders

WinTen²⁺ Program Version:


1. We have added an enhancement that lets you skip the print preview when printing work orders in Scribe. (Case 4901)

From the Work Order screen, the Scribe icon opens the Open Report dialog, where you can select the work order form/report to print. If you click the OK button, the program will generate a preview as before. If you Shift+Click the OK button, the work order will print directly to your default printer, with no preview. If you Ctrl+Click the OK button, it will open the Select Printer dialog, but it will then print directly to the printer you select, still without a preview.

2. We have added Print and Print Preview functions to the Assign Work Orders screen. (Case 7206)

Bug Reports

1. On the PHAS Work Order Summary report, the calculations of Average Days/Hours were incorrect. This has been corrected. (Case 5239)
2. On the Employee tab of the Work Order screen, if you added a Labor record that included a Craft, the screen would display a numerical code for the Craft, instead of its description. This has been corrected. (Case 6961)
3. On the Work Order screen, if you used the Save Layout feature after adding charges to a work order, the new layout incorrectly saved some of the charge information. This in turn caused default information to appear on the Charges tab automatically for any new work order added while using the new layout. This has been corrected, so that Save Layout does not save any charge information. (Case 7346)

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An MRI Software Company